8 Library Services which cost almost nothing
- Display ranking lists of most used text books, and/or books which help most passing exams
- Just before exams / thesis deadlines: Open the library 24 hours, provide experts for support in areas such as scientific writing, literature searching and management, statistics, etc pp
- Lend out recent gadgets such as iPads and Apple watches sponsored by vendors
- Organize a used book sale with anybody as a seller or buyer
- Organize a table tennis tournament in the library
- Play escape games with the students or the library version of „Bucket of doom“ :-))
- Provide an weekly email newsletter / facebook page with interesting news
- Welcome each user with a smile
8 Library Services to start with today
- Go from user to user, masked with a red nose, gifting flyers and flowers 🙂
- Make an exhibition of your users favorite learning environment
- Make an inquiry about the students needs
- Offer a free plagiarism check
- Organize an „Appathon“, where users can share their best Apps
- Provide a glass with sweets at the lending desk
- Provide snack & coffee lectures at lunch time, bake cakes
- Recommend (and provide!) apps which are especially useful for learning
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8 Library Services which are shocking good 😉